Five of my six honeybee colonies did not survive the winter. But one colony did moderately well. Not the banner harvest of 140 pounds from my first colony a few years ago.
But, still, this one surviving colony survived the winter with about 40 pounds of honey to spare. We waited until late July to make sure the queen was providing them plenty of new baby bees, and that they were well on their way to plenty honey to survive on next winter. So last weekend Lee'z B'z "volunteered" to donate their surplus inventory to my most deserving seniors real estate clients. On top of that, last month I had confined a hive full of honey that a colony had abandoned in late spring after a great start (Colony Collapse Disorder?). So we also harvested those surplus frames.
Looks like we'll get a couple dozen jars of Leez Bz honey this year. And we'll will have a couple jars of honeycomb wax to make candles, lip balm, axle lubricant, ...
Looks like we'll get a couple dozen jars of Leez Bz honey this year. And we'll will have a couple jars of honeycomb wax to make candles, lip balm, axle lubricant, ...