

Custer the goat is the smartest, baddest of the herd, and also the all around "Barn Yard Bully."  Like any bully, he rules by sheer intimidation.  And, now and then, by real cunning and brute strength.  But then he met our fearless white mother goose.  

No species I know of is more skillful at just pure bluffing down other beasts, as a goose.  It's all squawk and talk.  It works sometimes.  And as usual the easiest one to bully is another bully.  

It's a standoff so far as mother goose tells Custer he cannot use the gangplank to get off Muscle Bench...until Momma says so.  

But goose soon learned a basic goat-rule..."Speak softly and carry a big horn."
Two Bullies on A Plank