
Another fine mess Custer wants to get us in to.

He's at it again. Here's Custer flanked by his two triplet brothers Sturgis and Harney. He is trying to convince them they could all down-climb that cliff, but he'll be nice and let them go first. Sylvan, having seen Custer sucker his brothers in to these stunts before, is walking away so not to be anywhere near Custer's latest mischief.
In the other photo Custer is upstaging my attempt to photograph Bear Butte 20 miles away. It is a sacred mountain just east of the town of Sturgis. (The town was named after our pack goat Sturgis.)
It was a great day for a training hike for the Black Hills Pack Goats and they loved it. Patches of snow, clear-air visibility, 25deg-F, and no wind. For more information please see http://www.blackhillspackgoats.com/ and http://www.over-the-hills.com/.