
Another fine mess Custer wants to get us in to.

He's at it again. Here's Custer flanked by his two triplet brothers Sturgis and Harney. He is trying to convince them they could all down-climb that cliff, but he'll be nice and let them go first. Sylvan, having seen Custer sucker his brothers in to these stunts before, is walking away so not to be anywhere near Custer's latest mischief.
In the other photo Custer is upstaging my attempt to photograph Bear Butte 20 miles away. It is a sacred mountain just east of the town of Sturgis. (The town was named after our pack goat Sturgis.)
It was a great day for a training hike for the Black Hills Pack Goats and they loved it. Patches of snow, clear-air visibility, 25deg-F, and no wind. For more information please see http://www.blackhillspackgoats.com/ and http://www.over-the-hills.com/.


Barn Spa

It has been near 0-degF the past couple nights. But don't let it be said the Black Hills Pack Goats have it tough. Here is Harney lounging on "Muscle Bench" giving himself a pedicure. Meanwhile Custer naps snuggled up to a warm rock heated by the afternoon sun. Later, Custer, Harney, Sylvan and Sturgis (l to r) feast on fresh third-cut alfalfa at the all-you-can-eat entre' feed station. At the desert bar bins on their right, afternoon treats will include steam-softened oats sauteed in a sweet molasses sauce, Goat Food nuggets enriched with protein complex, and Calf Mana carbo-loading supplement for fuel on this evening's hike, which will be catered by Kate and Lee with warmed milk delivered trail-side in individual bottles topped with silicon lamb-udder nipples. In the background behind the quartet in the blue bucket is heated water spiced with just a hint of sweetened cranberry juice. To their left is a bunker made of 15" thick straw bales surrounding a 8" thick bed of fresh straw to keep out those nasty shivering north winds during the wee hours. And the kitties, rescued from desease and famine at a farm a month ago...let's just say they seem to be toughing it out reasonably well. If you, too, would like to move in to the Black Hills Pack Goats spa and barn, please see http://www.blackhillspackgoats.com/ and http://www.over-the-hills.com/. But it's not as glamorous as it seems. Come Monday at 6AM the Black Hills Pack Goats face revelie, with a two mile hike and cliff climbing in full field packs, all before breakfast.


Pack Goats' First Away-From-Home Training Hike

We trucked up and drove the young goats to their first away-from-home hike. The trail has been one of our own favorites for years. Goats are the most curious mammals we have ever known. The young kids were immediately excited to run around and experience all the new sights and stimuli.

It was also their first experience with ground water and streams. Goats are supposed to abhor walking in water. Of course it was Gen. Custer who, as his namesake proves again, is quick to try any conquest and lead his colleagues to join him.

For more information please see BlackHillsPackGoats.com and Over-the-Hills.com.


The Sky Bison is back in the air !

Yippie !!! We're back in business and taking aerial-photographs of anything that moves (or not).

After six months, the Sky Bison's lair is finally complete. We went for a long-delayed spin around the pattern so she could get re-acquainted with her home Sky.

For more information please see www.SkyBison.com and www.over-the-hills.com.


Return of the Cliff Dwellers

Those pesky critters are back, after three months at their goatpacking bootcamp and after playing countless hours of "king of the cliff." They are nearly ready to become Black Hills Pack Goats for 2008. For more information please see www.BlackHillsPackGoats.com, www.over-the-hills.com and www.youtube.com/skybison