

I have opened the hive for quick checks several times, but by the four-month mark, it was time to do a detailed walk-through of the ladies' four story home. It was also time to make some decisions in preparation for the coming winter. Since I'm a newbee, I'm still processing what was inside. But anyway here's a photo record of what the ladies have been doing inside the past four months.

This is the #2 Frame in newest (second) super.

#5 Frame in 3-Month (Upper) Deep

#7 Frame in (oldest) 4-Month (Lower) Deep

Looking in to The Abyss.
Middle of the lowest hive box.

What IS that Monster ? !

It's not easy re-assembling a hive when
10,000 of its inhabitants are angrily seeking
an opening in your clothing to sting to the death.